10 Tips For Fitting An Online Movement Platform Into Your Busy Life

Little and often friend…

Want to fit more movement into your life but don’t think you have the time? Here are some simple tips to make it more achievable

  1. Morning Flows:

    Start your day with a gentle yoga flow. This can be a rejuvenating way to wake up your body and mind, setting a positive tone for the day ahead. Using the search filter you can tailor it to how much time you have from just 10 minutes.

  2. Incorporate Mini Sessions:

    Short on time? No problem! Break up your day with mini yoga or Pilates sessions whenever you have a few spare moments. Even just 10 minutes of stretching or core exercises can make a big difference in how you feel. We even have a series in the membership called ‘move in 10’

  3. Family Fitness Fun:

    Your classes don’t always have to be serene and sanctified - Get your kids involved in Jane's online classes! Many of her routines can be adapted for all ages and fitness levels, making it a fun family activity. Plus, it sets a great example of the importance of movement and self-care.

  4. Lunchtime Reset:

    Use your lunch break as an opportunity to recharge with a Pilates or meditation session. Jane's workouts are designed to improve strength, flexibility, and posture, perfect for counteracting the hours spent sitting at a desk.

  5. Evening Wind Down:

    After a busy day, instead of collapsing on the couch for Netflix, unwind with a restorative yoga session guided by Jane. These gentle stretches and relaxation techniques can help you release tension and prepare your body for a restful night's sleep.

  6. Accountability Buddies:

    Find a fellow friend who's also interested in prioritising fitness and wellness. Schedule virtual workout dates at each other’s houses to practice Jane's classes together, providing motivation and accountability for both of you. Or even just checking in to see if your friend has fitted it in may be enough of a motivator.

  7. Mix It Up:

    Variety is key to staying motivated, so mix up your routine with a combination of yoga, barre, fitness and Pilates classes from Jane Pascoe's online platform. This keeps things interesting and challenges different muscle groups.

  8. Self-Care Sundays:

    Dedicate Sundays to self-care and relaxation. Start your morning with a gentle yoga flow, followed by a nutritious breakfast and some quality time with your family/friends. Use the rest of the day to indulge in activities that nourish your mind, body, and soul.

  9. Set Intentions:

    Before each session with Jane, take a moment to set an intention for your practice. Whether it's to cultivate strength, find peace, or simply have fun, having a clear focus enhances the effectiveness of your workout.

  10. Celebrate Progress:

    As you continue your journey with Jane Pascoe's online classes, celebrate your progress and achievements along the way. Whether it's mastering a challenging pose or noticing improvements in your flexibility, acknowledge how far you've come on your wellness journey. You could even treat yourself as you reach goals by purchasing some new props, a pot plant for next to your yoga mat, or even an in-person experience or retreat!

By incorporating Jane Pascoe's online movement into your routine, you can prioritise movement and self-care in a way that's enjoyable, convenient, and beneficial for your overall well-being, whatever stage of life you’re at.

Try the movement membership free for 7 days here