7 Reasons why Pasta and Pilates Should be a Non Negotiable


Going to a yoga or pilates class feels good, that’s why we keep going back…

But after a while, we start to crave a little more. Jumping in the car and rushing to a class, roll out your mat, do class, and then scoot out the door to make your next commitment on time just feels like another thing on your to do list.

While you still get the benefits going to a class like this, your nervous system barely gets time to reset before being thrown back on the hamster wheel that we call life. How good would it be to make that class just a little longer then be able to linger afterwards with delicious food and drink, and connect with other like-minded individuals, building connections and meeting friends?

Here are seven reasons why Pasta & Pilates, our next move + connect mini experience should absolutely be on your to do list:

1. whole body health.

Pilates is renowned for its ability to improve posture, build strength, and increase mind-body connection *amongst many other things*. Following a session with a balanced meal like pasta, which provides carbohydrates necessary for energy recovery, ensures your body gets both the exercise and nourishment it needs.

2. stress relief.

Pilates emphasises controlled breathing and smooth, flowing movements that help reduce stress and enhance relaxation. Pairing a rejuvenating Pilates session with the comforting ritual of eating pasta can be a perfect way to unwind.

3. community and connection.

For me hosting move + connect evenings such as Pasta & Pilates can be a wonderful way to build community. These events combine exercise and eating, two communal and enjoyable activities, fostering a sense of belonging and shared experience.

4.balance in lifestyle.

Integrating both Pilates and pasta into your lifestyle encourages a balanced approach to health and enjoyment. While Pilates takes care of your physical and mental wellness, enjoying a plate of pasta afterwards serves as a reminder that pleasure and health are not mutually exclusive.

5. improved digestive health.

The gentle, toning movements of Pilates can help stimulate the digestive tract, which is beneficial before a meal. Eating pasta afterwards, especially our beautiful selection made from scratch, can further aid in digestion and overall gut health.

6. customisable for any fitness or dietary preference.

Both Pilates and pasta dishes are highly customisable. Pilates exercises can be modified for different fitness levels and needs, and pasta can be adapted to various dietary preferences, including gluten-free and vegetarian pastas.

7.sustained energy. 

Carbohydrates are essential for energy, and pasta is a great source of sustained energy due to its complex carbohydrates. A Pilates routine followed by a pasta meal ensures that the body's energy levels are replenished effectively, supporting continued physical activity and overall health. What a start to the week!

To sum things up, this experience is a way to connect after a few busy, hot sunny months. To get cosy and fill up on nourishment that will linger with you well beyond the evening ending. There is something special about taking a few hours out to move and connect in a beautiful atmosphere. I cannot recommend this micro break more highly.

Pasta & Pilates

Monday 13th May


The Tides Bar & Eatery