8 Ways to Get More Movement in to Your Day


For me, it's through movement.

It (movement) has the ability to shift my perspective, mood, energy, and productivity in amongst other things.

It has been proven that regular, small pockets of movement are the best thing you can do for your health, mind and productivity. You may think you don't have time for a break but trust me you'll be more creative, effective and alert with regular movement breaks in your day.

Here are eight easy ways to get more movement into your day

1. Maximise your daily movements

  • Park further away from where you’re going and get a few extra steps in

  • If you work in a large workplace, go to a toilet that’s further away from where you’re based

  • If you work from home, stop drop and do some sun salutations, squats, whatever you fancy… If you’re at work you could get your colleagues on board to do them with you! Try one of my movement snacks on instagram like this one

A few extra steps here and there can go a long way.

2. Move faster

That’s right, pick up the pace! If you’re out on a walk, put some music on that has a higher BPM. Picking up the pace, even if you’re just walking to your car, will help you burn more calories and strengthen your legs. So wherever you’re walking, pick up the pace with the added bonus of getting places faster!

3. Get a high energy dog

Or borrow one! Dogs demand regular movement so even when you don’t feel like getting out around the block you still have to, and it’s not often that you regret that walk once you’ve done it. Think of them as cute fluffy little motivators (who snore next to you when you’re doing yoga, my members will understand!)

4. Make movement fun

For me, it’s movement to music. Whether that be a dance class or barre class, or just clowning around with the kids with the music up loud, it feels damn good. So if you’ve got access to my online classes, try a barre class with me sometime for that endorphin hit, or shut the curtains, turn the music up and get your boogie on. It feels so good!

5. Devote some time every day to movement.

Actually schedule it in, because if you do that, over a period of time it becomes a habit and a non-negotiable part of your life that your body and mind will crave.

6. Maximise your TV watching time

The TV isn’t often on in the evenings at our house (the joy of both of us being self-employed!) but when it is you will rarely find me on the couch.

I’m usually lying on tennis balls or a foam roller, or sometimes doing some gentle pilates movements. Basically have a roll around on the floor and use your intuition as to what you need. Have you been sitting all day? Take a supported bridge with a block or books under your hips. Legs sore after a killer barre class? Take a pigeon pose and a wide-legged fold etc…

If you find sitting up really uncomfortable, get off the couch and sit on the floor, even perch up on a cushion or block and lean your back against the couch. Your body will thank you for it and after a while will be more at ease sitting in these positions.

7. Spend more time in nature

Walking, running or cycling are wonderful ways to explore nature. Nature itself is so inspiring! So many times I have been for a walk on the beach and ended up walking much further than I planned to. You might stick to a certain area on workdays to fit in with where you live and work, and your schedule; but try exploring different areas when you have more time. Sharing it with someone special is even better. Further to that…

8. Make your catch-ups active ones

So often when we plan to catch up with a friend or family member, or even a work colleague we say: “let’s meet for coffee" or “shall we go for a drink or dinner?” Why not put those sneakers on and head out for a walk, or book in for a class and meet your friend there. You still get to catch up or talk through something work related with the added benefit of getting more movement in, maybe with a KeepCup in hand!

We know the health benefits of moving our bodies on the regular, and there are so many ways to do that, it’s all about making those small shifts and incorporating movement into the things we do every day. So get off the couch, get out in nature, and maybe park a few blocks away next time you’re in town. Remember I have classes as short as 10 minutes long in my movement membership so I’m here and ready to move with you anytime, anywhere!

Jane xo

PS. remember little and often is so much more powerful than the elusive 60 minute class that you get to once in a blue moon. If you’d like access to (literally) hundreds of classes as short as 10 minutes long, try the movement membership FREE for 7 days.